Is the name "Galtinho"?
"Galtinho" is the name we fondly call our students.
Learn here de advantage of being one of them.
The Galtinho's Journey
The Galtinho's origins
To be a Galtinho you
have to be, or have already concluded the whole high school in a public school (or private school with a full scholarship). Do not forget: it is necessary to prove that to proceed with our selective process.
The vestibulinho
As a first step, the candidates register themselves to "vestibulinho" and pay a R$15,00 fee to cover the operational costs of the course. This test is elaborated with general knowledge of high school content, and from there the candidates will be selected for the social interview.

The social interview.
The social interview is the second part of
the selective process, and it is necessary for us to prove the candidates' school origins and identify their social profile.
Don't worry, the interviewers will be receiving all of you with their arms wide open!
The opening class
Were you approved in our interview? Congrats!!
You are now officially a Galtinho! Now you have to attend the
Opening Class, in which we will explain how the course works and all
All the Rights and duties of a Galt's student.

To enroll you must bring:
1. 1 copy of your RG
2. 2 3x4 photographs
3. The statement of responsibility printed and signed
Did you become a Galtinho?
We are now your second family!
Take a look at your main advantages:
Galt's students and members
have free access to our psychological team. Besides this, we offer therapetical groups to work on the participants' relevant questions.
In the opposite shift to the one chosen by the student,
we offer supplemental lessons
about the disciplines at the
vestibulares and Enem
We have extra general classes,
which happen on Saturdays and they're
about current news and are mixed with various
Psychological Support
Tutoring Classes
Interdisciplinary Classes
We offer 3 simulated tests
for semester and each one has
a report card. The report contains a ranking and a detalied analysis of the student's answers on each subject.
The support is the opportunity
for the student to have a personalized guidance from
one of our volunteers. The guide is responsible for helping the creation of a study routine, paying attention on the student's report cards and give relevant tips on how to improve the student's development.
Simulated Tests
We offer drawing courses
for the students who want to attend
architecture or desing colleges and are not certificated to do it.
Specifics Skills
Luís Melo
Agente de TI
Use este espaço para se apresentar e contar sua história profissional.
You're next"
Check out some of our former students' experiences
Matilde Costa
Direito UnB - 1/2023
Quando entrei no cursinho, no início de 2022, estava desanimada para estudar, mas o Galt me ajudou muito com isso. Como aluna, pude ter contato com pessoas que estavam passando pelo mesmo que eu, e isso foi muito importante pra mim. Recomendo demais o Galt, pois os professores são maravilhosos e me ajudaram a não desistir do meu sonho!

Soraia Oliveira
Artes Visuais UnB - 2/2018
Estudar no Galt Vestibulares te faz descobrir que existem pessoas maravilhosas comprometidas apenas em ser agente transformador de vidas e realidades. Obrigada de todo coração a cada professor que dedicou seu tempo e seu carinho para realizarmos nossos sonhos!
Gratidão GALT!!

Débora Bispo
Fisioterapia UnB - 2/2016
Acreditar em mim foi o primeiro passo para trilhar um caminho rumo a realização do meu sonho. A força do Galt foi de grande relevância para minha aprovação. Acreditei que sim, era possível, e que nada é impossível para aqueles que realmente querem alcançar o seu objetivo se a vontade de realizar seu sonho for maior que seus medos.